There are quite a few individuals that have really helped me put Phantasm together. Below is sort of the short list of those
A special thanks goes out to the Brothers Grimm for letting me take over Phantasm from them.
The great original Phantasm logo and the current logo are the work of Jen Doleman. We
greatly appreciate Jen letting us use it! She was also a pivotal part of the team that created Phantasm and got
it off the ground
A thanks to Stephen Helleiner, who was part of the team who started
Phantasm and the face of it, who made me feel very welcome when I
started coming out, and whom I base my hosting aspirations on
Sara Manning for her complete redesign of the Phantasm site and artwork using Jen Doleman's original design as a base.
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Bryan McKellar for his design of the posting boards and current web site support
Matt Rowntree for the latest redesign of the Phantasm site.
The Peterborough Fish & Game Association for currently hosting
the web site
The ongoing generosity and support of: