Setup an account @ CON-GREgATe . You have two options:
- Login via Google: if you have a Google account (usually an @gmail.com address), you can use this method to login. The benefit to using this method is that you don’t need to store a password in the toolset. Instead, you will authenticate yourself through Google.
- Create an Account: if you don’t have a Google account or don’t want to use their authentication, click this button, fill in your info and submit the form. You'll get an e-mail with a link that will take you to a page will let you setup a password so you can login. If the e-mail isn’t in your inbox within a minute or two, check your junk mail folder.
Access the “Phantasm Equinox – 2025” event via the "Congregate" toolset
- Go directly to the Phantasm Equinox – 2025 event via this link
- Or you can select the “Congregate” toolset from the “Toolset" menu at the top right of the page if you’re seeing a different toolset. Then click on the link for "Phantasm Equinox - 2025".
- This will open a form where you can provide your Name. This is what you'd prefer to see on the schedule. You can also provide a Bio that lets you promote yourself as a GM.
- There's also a Notes for Organizers field you can fill out that won't be visible to anyone other than the event organizers. Use this if you have any special requests.
Click the "+ADD SESSION" button to submit a game/session
- For RPGs, this should be the name of the system (D&D 5th, Pathfinder 2nd, etc.). The text box has auto-complete enabled and might make it easy to find the system.
- For board games, please enter the name of the game
- For RPGs, this should be the name of the adventure/module/encounter that you're running
- For board games, please enter "Board Game"
- Please provide a brief description of the game.
Minimum/Maximum Players (defaults to 2 & 6)
- If the game you're running must have some number of players to work and/or can't be played with more than a certain number of players, use these fields.
Partial Session/Session Duration
- We typically look for RPGs to take up an entire session slot (4 hours), however board games can sometimes only need one or two hours. Submitting that information here will help use create an effective schedule.
Preferred Time slot
- If there's a particular time slot you'd like to run this game, choose it here. We will try to accommodate all requests.
- Please select a tag that best represents the game/session you're submitting
More Info URL
- If there's an external website with information (rules, background, etc) about the game you're running, you can provide it here.
Notes for Organizers
If there's anything else you'd like to communicate to the organizers about this session.
If you plan to run more than one session you can use the "Add Session" button to add a different game/title. If you'd like to run a session you've already submitted a 2nd, 3rd, etc. time, you can copy the first one and make any adjustments you think it needs.
An event organizer will review your information and get back to with any questions they might have.
If you see a game that you would like to run that is already being run, offer to run it anyway. Variety is the spice of life
& storytellers tell their tales in a varied but equally enjoyable manner.
It's a chance to run your favourite RPG system, maybe one that you haven't run in a while?
You can show off your story telling / game master ability.
It is an opportunity to run a one shot short story where you design the story & the characters allowing you to run a
more complex story.
For every game session that you run at Phantasm you get to play in one for free!
Just for the chance to meet new players & experience different styles of role-playing.
You can flex your creative muscle & push your limits.
It gives you an opportunity to try out new ideas, or use ones that you haven't been able to work into your
home group.
It gives you a chance to design a functional party with interesting histories.
You get a chance to see how your story turns out when it is run with different players.
$5 off of a Phantasm t-shirt.
Some of the best prizes will be going to the best storytellers.
You could win the "Hammer of Plot"!!! The Phantasm storyteller of the year award !!!
You never pay to run a game, so combined with the free game you get for running a game you could run two games and
get a weekend pass for the cost of one game!
Phantasm uses a "X-Card" at all of our RPG tables, and encourage all of our story
tellers to use them in their game.